A bumper year for awards

07 Jan 2022

International Financial Group Limited (IFGL) is celebrating wins in the prestigious International Investment Awards and the Global Financial Services Awards.

IFGL owns the RL360, Friends Provident International (FPI) and Ardan International brands and provides investment, savings and protection solutions to international investors around the world. We have 215,000 customers, £18bn assets under administration and employ over 600 staff.

In October, the International Investment Awards saw us win the prestigious Best International Life Group (Non-UK) award and Group CEO David Kneeshaw won Personality of the Year (Industry) for the second year in a row.

Ardan International, FPI and RL360 also recorded wins at the ceremony.

  • Ardan won Best International Platform
  • FPI’s International Protector Middle East + won Best Protection Plan (joint winner)
  • RL360 won Campaign of the Year (joint winner) for its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) campaign
  • RL360 won a regional award for Best Client Service (Industry) in Latin America

And hot on the heels of these awards came December’s Global Financial Services Awards, run by industry publication International Adviser.

Once again we took the prestigious Best Life Group (non-UK), plus two of our products won in their categories:

Regular Savings Plan (RSP) won Best International Savings Plan.

Personal Investment Management Service (PIMS) won Best Portfolio Bond.

International Protector Middle East+ (IPME+) won Best International Protection Plan, while Reserve+ was highly commended in the Best Portfolio Bond category.

In addition, LifePlan was highly commended in the Best International Protection Plan category.

IFGL Marketing Director Simon Barwell said: ‘While IFGL is secure in the strength of its products and brands, it’s always nice to receive external validation for all of our hard work.

‘In particular, to have both sets of industry awards recognise us in their prestigious Best International Life Group categories was very pleasing.

‘We intend to continue to live up to the accolades as we enter 2022 and beyond.’